VCE Exam Solutions
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Exam Solutions
Here are the current exam solutions for the most recent VCAA specifications. I add more worked solutions as I progress through the year. Each video relates to one question. You can see the question before seeing the solution.
Select the year you wish to view. Each question has two parts, you can view the question and then view the video solution. This give you the opportunity to answer it yourself and then check your answers. Links to the VCAA answers (where possible) are given for each paper.
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VCE Maths exam question content used by permission, ©VCAA. The VCAA is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this video resource. VCE® is a registered trademark of the VCAA. Past VCE exams and related content can be accessed at
Choose a subject:
Select an exam subject:
Further Mathematics: Units 3 and 4 (NHT)
General Maths Units 3 and 4 (2023+)
Mathematical Methods: Units 3 and 4