Finding the sample size
The binomial distribution
Mathematical Methods: Units 3 and 4
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Mathematics is all smoke and mirrors. It's also a massive trick. Mostly it uses language to try and trick us! It also likes to ask us to do things backwards (and that does not mean facing the wall!). Most questions will give you the value of n and p and ask you for find probabilities. This video looks at how to find the value of n when given values of p and the total probability! Using both pencil and paper methods and the CAS calculator I take a wander through this awesome topic. Who says the Binomial Distribution isn't fun!
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How do I find the sample size binomial distribution binomial probability distribution binomial probability formula binomial distribution probability examples VCE Maths Methods Methods 3 and 4 required sample size statistics video How do I find n CAS Binomial Sample size minimum sample size binomial distribution probability