Gradient intercept form
Linear relations
Essential Mathematics Year 9
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This is another video in the Year 9 series relating to Linear Relations. This video looks at what the gradient-intercept form is and how we can write equations of straight lines using it. Otherwise known as y=mx+c, or in other year levels y=a+bx, I take a look at what we need to be able to write the equation of a straight line. If we are given a gradient and a point on the line, we can use some pretty simple Mathematics to find the equation of the straight line. This video has a number of worked examples and the theory is explained in an easy to understand way.

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maffsguru good maths videos for middle school good maths videos good maths videos for high school good maths website good maths teacher maffs guru darren smyth maths tutorials year 9 maths grade 9 maths linear relations linear relationships gradient intercept form gradient-intercept form y=mx+c y=a+bx how to find the gradient of a straight line