Intersection of lines and parabolas (10A)
Parabolas and other graphs
Essential Mathematics Year 10
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This video is freaking awesome (if I do say so myself!). It looks at how we can find the points of intercepts between a line and a curve. In this case, the curves we are looking at are parabolas and the lines are all straight lines. Starting by looking at simultaneous equations we look at how we can use Maths to find the point of intersection by solving simultaneous equations using either substitution or elimination. And I know that lots of people will be groaning here! This is extended to look at how we can find the points of intersection using DESMOS for a straight line and a curve (parabola). We look at what it means to solve a quadratic and draw a conclusion about how this is really finding the points of intersection between a curve and the line y=0. Once this has been done we look at examples using algebra by sketching parabolas and then drawing straight lines. We find the points of intersection before moving on to looking at the discriminant and how this helps us find the number of points of intersection of a line and a parabola. Such fun!

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points of intersection intersection parabolas parabolas math intersecting lines points of intersection of two functions points of intersection of two equations points of intersection of two lines points of intersection of a circle and a line points of intersection and graphs year 10 discriminant and nature of roots