Solving quadratic equations using the T-Method or Cross Method
Quadratic expressions and equations
Essential Mathematics Year 10
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Who knows what the actual name of the method is called but this video takes a brisk canter through how to solve quadratic equations using the wonderful method which I call the T-Method. It also looks at completing the square and why all these methods are so important when solving and factorising quadratic equations. Using a method of finding factors and sums, we can split a quadratic factor into four terms which, when grouping, can be factorised and factorised again. This method really does make factorising quadratics into binomial product form so much fun. Well ... simpler at least.

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t method factoring factorising quadratics how do i find the binomial product what is the binomial product How do I factorise a quadratic equation cross method factoring quadratic equations factorising quadratics by grouping Which quadratic factorisation method should I use Why do I need to factorise a quadratic factoring trinomials