Transposition of formulas
Linear relations and equations
General Mathematics: Units 1 and 2
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Powering through the videos for the Year 11 (VCE) General Maths Units 1 and 2 course looking at Linear Equations and Relations. It doesn't get any better than this! Having already looked at how we can use the CAS to solve equations and using "by hand" methods to solve, we find that the CAS can also transpose equations for us. It's exactly the same as the things we have already been doing. So, I take the time, in this video, to look at how to use the CAS to transpose formulas and then solve them. There are a number of worked examples all explained in my unique style. Seriously ... I've got your back. So, why not try me.
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vce maths maths tutorials Transposition of formulas vce general maths general maths unit 1 and 2 maths linear equations linear relations transposing equations transposing math equations transposing formulae year 11 maths grade 11 maths how to transpose a formula using the CAS to transpose