Using a finance solver to find the balance and final payment
Reducing balance loans, annuities and investments
General Maths Units 3 and 4 (2023+)
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This video continues looking at the Finance section of the Year 12 General Maths Units 3 and 4 course. The finance solver (or financial solver) is a really important tool to be able to answer more complex financial questions. This video looks more at how we can use a finance solver to find the balance and final payment. There are lots more things the financial solver can do, but let's not rush! I take time to explain the CAS and how to use and interpret each of the options on the screen before using worked examples and VCAA past paper questions to show how the theory is applied. All of this is explained in my own easy to understand manner!
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maffsguru good maths videos for middle school good maths videos good maths videos for high school good maths website good maths teacher maffs guru vce maths darren smyth maths tutorials Using a finance solver to find the balance and fin year 12 general maths general maths unit 3 and 4 maths general 3 and 4 finance solver financial solver grade 12 maths year 12 maths vce general maths