Finding the point of intersection of two linear graphs
Linear relations and equations
General Mathematics: Units 1 and 2
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Have you ever wondered how to find the point of intersection of two lines? Well, this is the video for you! Part of the General Maths series for Linear Equations and Relations, it will show you all you need to know about finding the point of intersection of two linear graphs. I take some time to review past learning and then look at what makes a graph linear. I place two linear graphs on the same set of axes and find that for many of them, they meet at a point of intersection. This point can be found using the CAS and interpreted. So much excitement in just one video.
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vce maths maths tutorials Finding the point of intersection of two linear gr year 11 general maths general maths vce general maths point of intersection year 11 math grade 11 math linear relations linear equations using the CAS to find point of intersection