Simultaneous Equations using Substitution
Linear and simultaneous equations
Essential Mathematics Year 9
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This is another video in the Linear and Simultaneous Equations section of the Year 9 course. Simultaneous equations basically looks at what happens when two lines are put onto the same graph. They can either meet in one place, never meet or meet in lots and lots of places. When we solve simultaneous equations, what we are really doing is finding the single point where two lines meet. We can do this in a number of ways. This video looks at one of the ways; using substitution. I look at a number of worked examples explaining how to do them in clear and easy to understand ways.

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good maths videos for middle school good maths videos good maths videos for high school good maths website good maths teacher maffs guru darren smyth maths tutorials year 9 maths grade 9 maths Simultaneous Equations using Substitution linear and simultaneous equations solving simultaneous equations solving using substitution what are simultaneous equations