The Derivative and First Principles
Differentiation and antidifferentiation of polynomials
Mathematical Methods: Units 1 and 2
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This video is the first in the series relating to Differentiation for the Year 11 Mathematical Methods (Units 1 and 2 VCE) course. It is one of the most important, foundational videos I think there is in this whole course. It takes time to recap the idea of finding the gradient of a secant before moving onto the idea of differentiation from first principles and limit notation. There are lots of worked examples all explained in an easy to understand way.
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maffsguru good maths videos for middle school good maths videos good maths videos for high school good maths website good maths teacher maffs guru darren smyth maths tutorials the derivative finding the derivative differentiation from first principles first principles definition of the derivative vce methods mathematical methods units 1 and 2 maths math methods year 11 maths grade 11 maths differentiation intro to calculus