The five-number summary and the box plot
Investigating data distributions
General Maths Units 3 and 4 (2023+)
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Have you ever woken screaming in the night as you've not fully understood the concepts behind the 5 number summary? Well, this is the video for you as I'm going to spend time explaining this to you and throw in the added bonus of box plots too! I spend time looking at the five number summary which is: minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum values. I look at how these can be expressing using a box plot and how we can show outliers using the idea of fences. So much fun in one video - I hope it doesn't go viral!
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VCE Maths VCE Further Further Maths Further 3 and 4 good maths websites maths tutorial maths tutorials maths tutorial videos five number summary five number summary box plot box plots statistics box and whisker plots box and whisker plots outliers how to draw a box plot boxplot CAS outliers statistics 5 number summary