Using a financial solver to analyse reducing-balance loans
Modelling and analysing reducing-balance loans and investments
Further Mathematics: Units 3 and 4
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I love this part of the course. Using the Financial Solver on the CAS is awesome. It also allows me, in the evenings, to plan my route to riches. OK. I'm never going to be rich, but this part of the Further 3 and 4 course is awesome. I take the time to talk through loans and investments and how you can work out how much money you will gain in interest for investment and how much money you will pay back for a loan. I use a number of examples and make sure you understand the difference between a positive and negative number in the Financial Solver. All done with a background of real examples! So much fun!
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vce maths Using a financial solver to analyse reducing balan financial solver CAS financial solver reducing balance loans reducing balance vce further maths vce further further 3 and 4 further mathematics further maths reducing balance method loan calculation formula further mathematics vce