Using Set Notation
Probability and statistics
Essential Mathematics Year 9
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This is another video in the series looking at Probability for the Year 9 course. Barry has outdone himself with the notation we can use in Probability and this video seeks to break down all the confusion and have you using Set Notation like a Mathematical genius! I explain what intersection, union, element of, empty set, subsets and contained within mean with lots of examples. The lesson is aligned with the Cambridge series of textbooks and, with permission, I use their examples to explain how to master the concepts. This lesson is delivered with my own unique style of humour.

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maffsguru maffs guru year 9 math grade 9 math set notation good maths videos good tutorials for maths middle school maths senior school maths set notation probability darren smyth what is a subset what is an empty set where is the intersection of two sets how do I show the sample space what is the union of two sets what does it mean to be an element of venn diagrams probabilities from venn diagrams