Pythagoras' theorem and trigonometry
Essential Mathematics Year 9
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This is the final video in the series relating to Pythagoras' Theorem and Trigonometry for the Year 9 course. Bearings seems to be a topic which confuses a lot of people but it shouldn't! There are basically 4 rules to use two of which are - draw a north line at every point, rotate clockwise starting from North. OK. Sounds challenging when you write it, but trust me, when you watch this video with the worked examples I have and the easy to understand theory, you will smash this topic.

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maffsguru good maths videos for middle school good maths videos good maths videos for high school good maths website good maths teacher maffs guru darren smyth maths tutorials bearings year 9 maths grade 9 maths how to find bearings what is a bearing drawing bearing diagrams using trigonometry with bearings using pythagoras' theorem with bearings what are bearings use for pythagoras and trigonometry cambridge textbooks