Linear equations
Coordinate geometry
Mathematical Methods: Units 3 and 4
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This video recaps the work covered throughout the Methods 1 and 2 course. As Methods 3 and 4 builds on the work in Methods 1 and 2, this video takes a look at solving simple algebraic equations before ramping up in complexity by adding fractional equations before moving onto solving simultaneous equations. It finishes with a look at worded problems and how they can be broken down before being solved. As is usual in all my videos, there is a mix of humour and excellent teaching where the examples are broken down and referenced to the theory.
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linear equations VCE Maths Math Methods Methods 3 and 4 Mathematical Methods linear equation linear eqation maths Headstart Head Start ECP solving simultaneous equations solving simultaneous equations by substitution solving simultaneous equations by elimination Worded problems Equations with fractions Fractional equations Solving equations