Relating a box plot to shape
Summarising numerical data
Further Mathematics: Units 3 and 4
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This video is a continuation of the videos dealing with Further 3 and 4. We have looked at the five number summary and what a box plot means (and shows). This video ties in the work from the box plot and five number summary to describe the shape of distributions. By looking at the form of the box plot we can link the shape to symmetrical or positively/ negatively skewed data. This means we can now describe trends and use comparisons between data sets when we have to write reports. There are more videos on this series to follow.
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VCE Further MAths VCE Maths Further Maths Further 3 and 4 good maths websites maths tutorial maths tutorials maths tutorial videos Relating a box plot to shape five number summary five number summary box plot box plots statistics box plot box plot and symmetry box and whisker plots box and whisker plots outliers