Using Pythagoras' theorem
Measurement and introduction to Pythagoras' theorem
Essential Mathematics Year 8
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Having completed a lesson knowing where Pythagoras' Rule (or Theorem) comes from (and whether it was actually by the man himself or stolen!), we now look at how we can use the Theorem to find the lengths of sides. I start by recapping the theory and then moving onto the idea of how Pythagorean Triples are defined. We look at examples where the sides are whole number lengths and then finish by looking at sides which can be expressed in surds. I know this is the first time that lots of viewers will have met surds and so I look at why writing answers in EXACT FORM (Surds) can be so useful to us. I even take a look at rounding errors. With this knowledge in hand, it's time to look at a couple of examples including where there are questions which are designed to trick us! All in all ... a video I am pretty proud of.

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pythagorean theorem pythagoras pythagoras theorem pythagorean triples using pythagoras theorem how to find the missing side lengths using pythago finding missing sides of triangles surds and indices exact form writing answers in exact form exact notation Year 8 Maths was pythagoras a murderer Pythagoras pythag using pythag