Displaying and describing numerical data
Investigating and comparing data distributions
General Maths Units 1 and 2 (2023+)
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Another video in the General Mathematics Series, this one looking at Displaying and describing numerical data. Statistics and Data are really important in this course and later courses which you might study. I take a look at how to display numerical data using the wonderful thing called a Histrogram! I look at how we can graph discrete data as well as large data sets using the principal of intervals!!! So much fun and lots of examples make the theory clear and lead to you understanding and smashing those tests and exams. I deliver using my own unique style of teaching and hope you enjoy the lesson.
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vce maths maths tutorials Displaying and describing numerical data vce general general units 1 and 2 general maths year 11 maths grade 11 maths histograms discrete data and histograms numerical data and histrogram histograms and intervals how do i draw a histogram vce