Linear and simultaneous equations
Essential Mathematics Year 9
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Another video in the Year 9 series looking at algebra. This one seems a little left field as it seems to spend a lot of the first part of the video showing you how to colour in! But ... there is a method in the madness of opened and closed circles and crocodiles. Looking at what inequalities means helps me move onto the use of them in Algebra. I spend time looking at equations which involve inequalities and how to use the "special rule" when multiplying and dividing by a negative number. Lots of worked examples and all explained with my unique outlook on Maths and life. 0:00 Introduction 1:33 Learning objectives 1:35 Recap of past learning 2:09 Number lines and a range of values 3:48 Examples using number line 6:02 Open and closed circles 6:54 Open and closed circles example 8:27 Other questions 9:46 The most important rule for inequalities 10:36 Solving inequalities examples 15:09 Summary

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maths tutorials year9 year9math grade9 grade9math teachers school inequalities gcse drawing inequalities number lines and inequalities flip the sign rule classroom how to solve inequalities changing the inequalities sign inequality for all inequalities algebra inequality math inequality